DAY 5: Survival, ear popping and clucking

The halfway point

Week 1 may nearly be over, but we have the evictions to look forward to next week! The power is in the hands of the 5,000+ students.

Today’s highlights in the Tin Zone:

  • Some people have pretty strong immune systems!

meganmcaleer12 : ian whats the most intresting fact you have found?

ianwilson : About my work? Hmm let’s see… Well I got a sample of DNA from a Bangladeshi man’s poop and I was looking for Entamoeba DNA. Instead, I found all kinds of bacteria and viruses, any of which could have killed the person they were from! So I found out that some people, when they’re living with these bacteria all their lives can survive with bacteria that would probably kill us! He’ll have been very ill but its’ amazing that he was still alive!

  • Why you shouldn’t fly if you can’t breathe through your nose:

budder : how loud dose it have to be befor sound can pop our ear drumsx

hannahbrotherton : Hi great question. Its doesn’t have to be really loud to pop your eardrums. To pop your eardrums you need to be somewhere that has a lot of pressure. So for example in a plane our ears pop all the time, because of the pressure changes in the plane. But do not ever go flying with a cold. This is because if we cannot breathe through our nose we cannot change the pressure in our ears (by popping). The pressure builds, and if it builds long enough we can pop our eardrums and damage them

  • And do we all really hear the same sounds?

librat007 : does sound differ from person to person?

hannahbrotherton : yes definitely. But how can we prove it If i told you the sound a chicken makes is a cluck, how do you know the person next to you is hearing the same sound……what they are hearing is a sound they think is a cluck…..only they know what it sounds like.


Posted on June 21, 2013 by in News. Leave a comment

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